Favabean Protein is a plant-based protein powder derived from fava beans, offering a nutritious and sustainable source of protein for various dietary preferences. Favabean Protein provides support for muscle growth, repair, and overall health. With its high digestibility and allergen-friendly profile, it is suitable for individuals with dietary restrictions or sensitivities. Favabean Protein is commonly used as a dietary supplement to enhance protein intake, particularly in vegetarian, vegan, or plant-based diets. It can be easily incorporated into smoothies, shakes, baked goods, and other recipes.
Vanilla content is: 1.8 - 2.4%
Moisture content is:14% max
Color: Black
Size: 10-20cm
Admixture: 1% max
Moisture: 14% max
Weight:3gram per piece
Features: No speckle, no mold, No heavy metal, no pesticide, Hand selected
It is characterized by size, it is considered one of the largest within the species. It is slightly sweetish in taste, thanks to which it fits many dishes and local preserves. Beans can be a very good source of protein in our diet, they have about 18g of protein in 100g. It is also high in fiber, but still low in simple sugars. Beans contain vitamins and minerals that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of our body. It is perfect as an addition to one-pot dishes. It is commonly used in vegetarian cuisine
Se trata de caracoles de la especie Helix Aperta con su típico opérculo blanco. Es un caracol muy buscado y considerado, un alimento delicioso en toda Apulia y objeto de numerosos platos típicos. Una de las variaciones más comunes es la siguiente: se lavan los caracoles, se les quita el opérculo y se dejan en remojo en agua. En una cacerola sofreír abundante cebolla cortada en rodajas en aceite de oliva virgen extra; después añadimos sal, pimienta, los caracoles bien escurridos y unas hojas de laurel. Cocinamos a fuego fuerte y cuando el aceite empiece a salir nuevamente a la superficie vertemos un vaso de vino rosado y dejamos que se evapore. Sazone con sal y sirva caliente.
Caracoles 100% naturales, ya limpios y depurados, listos para consumir
Periodo de rebajas: disponible todo el año
Empaquetado en cajas de 1 kg a 5 kg.
Pedido mínimo: 500 kg
”HandelFresh’‘ is driven by a clear goal : to make the best Moroccan fruits and vegetables accessible to all. We not only emphasise quality, but also strive to provide the best personal service to our customers, our motto is ” A global company with personal touch” . By sourcing only from growers with a proven track record and stability are we able to give confidence in quality and efficient service.
Sales can be contracted over a fixed period with agreed quantities and pricing. HandelFresh promises transparency, honesty, and an enduring commitment to supporting local communities.
Spargel in verschiedene Schnitten
Spargel (Aspargus officinalis L.) ist eine ausdauernde, mehrjährige Kulturpflanze, deren weiße bzw. grünen Sprossen (Stangen) als Gemüse verwendet werden.
Wir bieten folgendes Sortiment:
unterschiedliche Längen und Durchmesser
Abschnitte ohne Spitzen (center cuts)
Abschnitte mit Spitzen (tips & cuts)
Le Rognon est un choix populaire pour les amateurs de viande, offrant une texture tendre et une saveur riche qui rehaussent vos plats préférés. Ce rognon est soigneusement sélectionné pour sa qualité et sa fraîcheur, garantissant une expérience culinaire exceptionnelle. Il est parfait pour les grillades, les rôtis et les plats mijotés.
Disponible en différentes tailles, le Rognon est idéal pour les cuisines professionnelles et domestiques. Son emballage pratique assure une manipulation facile et une conservation optimale. Que vous soyez un chef professionnel ou un cuisinier amateur, ce rognon est un choix incontournable pour des résultats culinaires de qualité.
An annual plant of a long day, coldresistant, demanding on moisture and soil fertility. Rapeseed oil contains the following fatty acids palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, linolenic, eicosan, erucic.
Weißt Du noch früher? Als Du nach dem Toben auf dem Spielplatz mit den anderen Kindern völlig ausgehungert nach Hause gekommen bist und Oma schon mit ihrem weltbesten Apfelkuchen – am liebsten noch mit Streuseln und Pudding – auf Dich gewartet hat? Der Duft frisch gebackenen Kuchens lag schon in weiter Ferne in der Luft, das Wasser ist Dir bereits im Munde zusammengelaufen, weil Du den ersten Bissen gar nicht abwarten konntest: Saftig und lecker!
Damit jetzt gar nicht erst der Spruch “Früher war alles besser” kommt, stehen unsere Apple Cluster schon für Dich bereit. Schlag deswegen am besten sofort zu und kaufe leckere Kindheitserinnerungen ein.
Unsere estnischen und kanadischen Bio Erbsen brillieren durch ihren intensiven Geschmack. Darüber hinaus ist die rundliche Form und die grüne Farbe ein wahrer Augenschmaus. Fragen sie uns nach weiteren Spezifikationen.
Conférence is an excellent pear variety. Its bottle shape has a beautiful green and bronzed skin with a delicious soft juicy flesh. Its long shelf life made this pear a great export product. Available almost all year long.
We export vegetable peas.
Delivery is possible on a self-delivery basis, or by our delivery to the buyer, by road and rail. By agreement, various packaging options are possible: bags of 20, 25, 40 kg, big bags of 1000 kg, euro pallets.
La gamme Bio de PATRIGEL offre un assortiment de légumes surgelées de haute qualité, dédié à ceux qui sont particulièrement sensibles à l'ensemble du processus de culture et de transformation des matières premières. La certification biologique comprend le contrôle des processus de production afin d'assurer, à chaque étape de la réalisation du produit, l'absence totale de produits chimiques et le respect d'une sensibilité éthique et morale
CONDITIONNEMENT:1 x 12 kg = 12 kg
Whole yellow peas
Ukraine origin product
Bulk container shipment
Shipment from October
Available stock 500 mt
Quality parameters:
Moisture max 14.0%
FM max 2.0%
Broken and split max 8.0%
Damaged max 4.0%
Other color max 3.0%
☎️ +38 093 549 99 49
Französische Bio-Grünlinsen (Lens esculenta) sind eine seltene und sehr begehrte Linsensorte, die fest und außergewöhnlich formstabil ist. Sie haben eine tiefgrüne Farbe mit subtilen, schön gesprenkelten Mustern und einen kräftigen, pfeffrigen Geschmack. Sie werden oft als die begehrtesten und delikatesten Linsen angesehen. Sie stammen ursprünglich aus den vulkanischen Böden der Region Puy in Frankreich und werden heute häufig auch in Nordamerika und Italien angebaut.
This premium terpene is THC-free and cannabinoid-free with robust terpene profile for maxinum efficacy in consumer products and applications for multiple need states. This product is produced by our U.S provider vertically integrated hemp supply chain -- wholly owned plant genetics, greenhouses, farms, processing and extraction -- ensuring reliable traceability and compliance with every single batch.
The innovative clean ethanol extraction process maintains the integrity of valuable phytoconstituents and creates an environmentally friendly whole plant hemp extract.
The result is robust CBD concentration free from pesticides, solvents and heavy metals.
Shelf life :24 months in proper light & heat conditions
Color:Light yellow
Consistency:Light viscosity
Applications:Tinctures, Gummies, Capsules, Topical Creams
Valuable droughtresistant food and fodder leguminous crop, food product. One of the oldest crops. Widely cultivated as a food and feed plant. For many Asian peoples, lentils are one of the most important sources of protein, able to replace the nutritional properties of bread, cereals and even meat.
Chickpea is a food product, one of the most ancient legumes in the Middle East, it began to grow more than 7 thousand years ago. Common in countries of West and Central Asia, North Africa, North America. Hummus and falafel snacks are made of that. The fried beans are called Lelebee. Chickpeas are widely used in vegan, vegetarian and Indian cuisine. Traditionally, the use of chickpeas is actual for the Mediterranean region. Chickpea is used to produce chickpea flour, used in particular in Indian cuisine. And, for example, in Italian cuisine it’s used to make flat cakes farinatas, but the volumes of chickpea cultivation in Italy itself are insignificant. White seed varieties are mainly used for food. Heat treatment takes more time than for lentils and peas. Chickpea seeds serve as a source of zinc, folic acid.